Wednesday, 26 February 2014

New Page

I have started a new module for uni on curating . This page will follow my work within this module, and visits to gallery's. I chose curating as I have had an interest to how series of works in galleries, are put together to work along side each other. Hope you can learn a little from this page and get a greater understanding of what galleries do for your enjoyment.

Sunday, 9 February 2014

What i have been up too!!

So the last couple of weeks i have been finishing coursework for deadlines and so took a trip to London with uni.

London was amazing, the main things that stuck out for me was going to The Photographers gallery and the V&A. The Photographers gallery was interesting as they had some of Andy Warhol's work, some of it i thought was great the way he stitched the photos together and having six of the same image but different exposures then stitched together was good too. but some of his work just looked like he got bored one day and took photos of random objects

The V&A was a great experience, as we got to go into the print room to see and hold the real prints. this was really interesting to see the real things instead of them on a computer screen.

The whole trip was a good experience and i will be going back some time this year to take photos as London skyline at night is beautiful!!