Monday, 11 November 2013

Processing and Contact Sheets

So today was filled with doing contact sheets and processing, doing the contact sheets was good, I have done them before but never at Plymouth college of art. Whilst doing the contact sheets I realised that a few shoots I took for my making strange project were slightly under exposed but all in all the photos look good I am happy with the idea and composition of them. After seeing my progress I processed the new two rolls of film I took on Saturday, location with body form and reflection, and close ups of body forms with reflections. They processed nicely and came out well even if I did miss my bus home. Next step, contact sheets for the new negatives. 

The process room at P.C.A

Sunday, 10 November 2013


This weekend has been a busy one, yesterday I shot two rolls of black and white film 36 exposures, for my making strange project, Nikki the model was amazing she had to put up the cold and a little rain while we were outside doing semi-nude location shoots. Can't wait to process them, and do contact sheets.
And today was collecting names, of people who could help me with my personal best project.

Friday, 1 November 2013


Today has been all about my project and doing more research also doing professional practise looking at digital retouching. Seen some great work that has given me some ideas for my project and seen some work that I feel has effected the world because the way retouching changes peoples looks.

Two different topics, two very different views on them.