Sunday, 29 December 2013

Annie Leibovitz - Disney Dream Portraits

i have been looking at Annie Leibovitz work - Disney Dream Portraits. i find the images inspiring on how creative within camera and out of the camera in Photoshop they are, i am a big Disney fan and have loved the films they make so when i saw that Annie Leibovitz  had made some images on these film i find they do the films justice.

These are just a few from the series..

 This last one is a real favorite of mine as it show the wonder and craziness of Alice in wonderland. each photo show the base of the story and personalities of the celebrities within the image.

Friday, 27 December 2013

The new year

I hope everyone has had a great Christmas, and is looking forward to the new year, i know i am. great things to come i am going to London with Plymouth college of art, in January, will be visiting places like the V&A and the Tate modern gallery. I will be planning many trips to different places for photos that all of you will be able to hear about soon and i will be finishing my first year at the college and going into the second. I am going to make this year great and one to remember!!

Friday, 13 December 2013

Update on 'Making strange'

Over the last couple of weeks i have been very busy making test prints for my project. when shooting film i have done some shots on digital just get an idea on what the films might look like. These i think went well, the theme for the project is body form and reflection. So the first photo shoot was just basic reflection with body form.

This is just one of many that i like from this shoot.

Thank you to Nicola Hanna for being my model.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Processing and Contact Sheets

So today was filled with doing contact sheets and processing, doing the contact sheets was good, I have done them before but never at Plymouth college of art. Whilst doing the contact sheets I realised that a few shoots I took for my making strange project were slightly under exposed but all in all the photos look good I am happy with the idea and composition of them. After seeing my progress I processed the new two rolls of film I took on Saturday, location with body form and reflection, and close ups of body forms with reflections. They processed nicely and came out well even if I did miss my bus home. Next step, contact sheets for the new negatives. 

The process room at P.C.A

Sunday, 10 November 2013


This weekend has been a busy one, yesterday I shot two rolls of black and white film 36 exposures, for my making strange project, Nikki the model was amazing she had to put up the cold and a little rain while we were outside doing semi-nude location shoots. Can't wait to process them, and do contact sheets.
And today was collecting names, of people who could help me with my personal best project.

Friday, 1 November 2013


Today has been all about my project and doing more research also doing professional practise looking at digital retouching. Seen some great work that has given me some ideas for my project and seen some work that I feel has effected the world because the way retouching changes peoples looks.

Two different topics, two very different views on them.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Research for Making Strange Project

For the last few days  i have been researching for my making strange project, the people a have been looking at are Ansel Adams for the tonal range, Trent Parke because of the use of perspective and tonal economy within his images. these two are just two out of many, i picked these two because i feel that within anyone's photography career you have to see or read about these photographers.
Ansel Adams has great tonal range in his images alongside the composition.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Proactive day

Today i saw a dear friend of mine Niki Hanna, who is also studying photography. It was nice to discuss and reflect on the photographers we had/are studying, she was able to help and open my mind to some ideas for a upcoming  project which you will all see soon!. One photographer that was coming up in discussion was Steve McCurry and his photo Afghan Girl. Our discussion was mainly about if really this is the Afghan girl after 17 years, as even thou it says that it is her, Steve McCurry was never 100% sure. We decide it very well could be, after talking for awhile about this subject i ended up buying the latest and photography issue of national geographic celebrating 125 years!! i recommend getting this issue!!

Friday, 18 October 2013


"People want to believe the camera never lies but in some cases it does" - Alison Rich 


so end of last week beginning of this week i was ill and missed two very important lectures, first was a contextual on documentary and the second one was a visual practice, looking at the documentary power-point that was shown i noticed some familiar photographers name like Don mccullin and Rodger fenton. The lecture was mainly about how some documentary photographers changed the truth when people believe the saying "the camera never lies" the image that caught my interest was  The home of the rebel sharpshooter, Gettysburg

This image has been manipulated by the person was moved from where they had died to point and had their face move to face the camera, the gun was changed and placed in a way that seems very unnatural because if it was in the person hand when he died it would not have landed in this way. 

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

New start, New blog

I have started this blog so you can follow me in becoming a professional photographer, it wont be easy and i know i am going to struggle but hopefully we'll get through it together and get to be who we want to be.